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McMan Central

We are excited to announce that McMan Central Region has opened it's Family Resource Networks throughout the region.  We are currently accepting referrals.  Please call 1-877-994-5465 option 5 or contact Anneleen directly at 403-895-0152 if you have any questions about services or the referral process. I have attached a referral form that can be emailed to  

Family Resource Network services are focused on prevention and early intervention and are completely voluntary.  

Our Family Resource Network Services are available for all Albertans with children aged 0 – 18. Services include:

Early Childhood Development

Early Childhood Development will serve families with children aged 0-6. Programs will include staff supervised Parent/Child Play; Developmental Screening Sessions with Ages and Stages Questionnaires; and Supported Play Sessions where collaborative partners (Occupational Therapists, Speech Pathologists) attend to assist parents with questions and strategies for improved developmental outcomes.

Child and Youth Development

Child and Youth Development will serve families with youth aged 7 – 18. Program examples are social skills groups, life skills groups, anger management groups, coping skills groups and youth leadership development.

Parent Education

Parent Education will serve families with children and youth aged 0-18. Parent education curriculums used are empirically supported and evidence based. Further examples of programming include Connect, Kids Have Stress Too, Triple P, Circle of Security and Active Parenting.

Family Support

Family Support will serve families with children and youth aged 0 – 18. Programming is intended to build parental/caregiver resiliency and is focused on the family unit to promote family wellness. Programs are flexible and goal oriented to fit each family’s specific needs with a focus on strengthening protective factors and reducing risk factors for all members of the family.

Home Visitation

Home Visitation will serve families with children aged 0-6. This program is designed to support families in providing a nurturing, stimulating and safe environment for their children from prenatal until the child turns six. Families with new babies participate in home visitation services by trained staff in a way that meets their specific needs.

Due to the Global Pandemic and our communities needing to social distance and stay at home whenever possible our Family Resource Network Hubs will initially be closed to the public. However, our staff are available to assist you and your family either by phone or through information technology (i.e. Google Duo, Skype, Zoom, etc.).

Jessica Grieve
Lead Practice Specialist
Central Region

Direct: (780) 898 0503
Fax: (780) 542 1547

Referral Form

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Box 89, 114 Highway 13 W
Alder Flats , Alberta T0C 0A0

Phone: 780-388-3881